All Cheeses
- Mascarpone by BelGioioso
- Mature by Wyke Farms
- Mature Cheddar Truckle by Barber's
- Maturo by Prima Donna
- Mediterranean Cheddar by Meister Cheese
- Mediterranean Style Feta by Belfiore Cheese
- Medium Cheddar by Lucerne
- Medium Cheddar by 365 by Whole Foods Market
- Medium Cheddar by Hook's Cheese Company
- Medium Cheddar by Good & Gather
- Medium Cheddar by Meister Cheese
- Medium Cheddar by Tillamook Creamery
- Medium Provolone by BelGioioso
- Medium White Cheddar by Tillamook Creamery
- Medium White Cheddar by Clover Sonoma
- Merlot BellaVitano by Sartori
- Merry Goat Round by FireFly Farms
- Merry Goat Round Spruce Reserve by FireFly Farms
- Meyer Lemon and Honey by Cypress Grove
- Mezzo Secco (Partially Dry Monterey Jack) by Vella Cheese Co.
- Midnight Moon by Cypress Grove
- Mike's Smoked Firehouse Jack by Spring Hill Jersey Cheese
- Mild by Beemster
- Mild Cheddar by Lucerne
- Mild Cheddar by Hook's Cheese Company
- Mild Cheddar by Meister Cheese
- Mild Cheddar by Green Valley Creamery
- Mild Gouda by Old Amsterdam
- Mild Gouda by Royal Hollandia
- Mild Gouda by Beemster
- Mild Maasdam by Royal Hollandia
- Mild Provolone by BelGioioso
- Mild Swiss by Boar’s Head
- Mimolette by Isigny Sainte-Mère
- Mini Basque by Trader Joe's
- Misty Morning by Calkins Creamery
- Mixed-Milk Feta In Whey Brine by Prairie Fruits Farm and Creamery
- MixTape by Grey Barn and Farm
- Mobay by Carr Valley Cheese
- Mo' Betta' Chedda' by Queso Kings
- MontAmoré Cheddar by Sartori
- Monterey Jack by Tillamook Creamery
- Monterey Jack by Good & Gather
- Monterey Jack by Boar’s Head
- Monterey Jack by Meister Cheese
- Monterey Jack by Clover Sonoma
- Monterey Jack by 365 by Whole Foods Market
- Monterey Jack by Lucerne
- Monterey Jack by Petaluma Creamery
- Monterey Jack by Hook's Cheese Company